Terms of Sell


The company Pekegno Ltd, whose registered office is in the United Kingdom – London, St. 71-75 Shelton Street, registered in the Commercial Register under number 13371385,

Pekegno Services is a division of Pekegno which is a multinational technology company specializing in digital related products and services.

Pekegno service ”is a digital agency that includes digital marketing, website and application setup, video animation, graphic design and web designer.

  2. By acceptance, any instruction received by Pekegno from the Client for the offer of services constitutes a binding contract and acceptance by the Client of the terms and conditions contained herein.
  3. PRICE
  4. All prices shown are exclusive of tax.
  5. The prices of the services are updated monthly, each service offered is spread over a period of 30 days, only the prices corresponding to the present month are valid, any previous price is not valid except under consideration of the sales representative in charge of the service.
  6. The prices set on standard service offers, for a better estimate of cost and optimization of the service, we prefer prices set on the customer’s specifications.
  7. Unless otherwise specified in writing, any indication of PRICE for the provision of services by Pekegno is indicative only and does not bind Pekegno. In case of modification of the initial estimate, the customer will be informed in writing before the work is carried out.


  1. A deposit of 50% of the advance payment will be made on each service provided before the start of the work.

2.In case of abandonment of the order already started

3.No payment is refundable, unless otherwise indicated or agreed between the customer and the company, in the event of a change of opinion on the offer or the choice of the service having a lower price than the initial service, the debit will be due. filled by additional service offers or canceled if resources were to be used more.

4.1. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, full payment will be invoiced in three installments. Once the Contract is signed by the Customer, a payment of 50% of the total amount will be payable as a non-refundable deposit. A second 20% deposit will be charged later. The last installment of 30% will be charged after the website is created and presented to the Customer for approval to Go Live, and applies to all other services provided above 499euros, below 499 euros the customer will have to pay 50% upon signature and 50% upon validation of the period before delivery.


“Pekegno service” is a digital agency that includes digital marketing, website and application setup, video animation, graphic design and web designer. Each service has categories, for example

  • Digital marketing (social media, emailing, sms, advertising, etc.)



The Client accepts that Pekegno can:

1.Except under arrangement with the client, Pekegno retains the right to make public its references in terms of the realization of work ethics and respect for the image of the company and the client.

  1. Include a reference at the bottom of their website, credit the design, development and hosting of the website to Pekegno, List the website on any marketing material, This privilege can be withdrawn or at the request of the customer in return by an amount estimated by Pekegno representing the sale price of his right as an author.

Pekegno may immediately terminate any Contract for all or part of the services acquired by or provided if:

  1. The customer is in violation of any provision of these terms and conditions and has not remedied such violation within 30 days of receiving the warning from Pekegno
  2. The customer spends 30 days without following up the collaboration (the services if they have not been delivered will therefore be destroyed or sold to another customer and Pekegno will not be responsible for any dispute).

3.If the customer is not satisfied with the service refuses any other amiable proposal leading to satisfy his request

  1. In the event of Moral, physical or psychological aggression that may violate any aspect of one or more employees of Pekegno

5.In the event of non-compliance with payment deadlines or sales policy

Pekegno’s obligation

1.Pekegno is committed to providing professional services using up-to-date and optimal technologies

Methodology of work

Pekegno Service rigorously applies the 3 pillars of the Scrum methodology:




Risks Causes Solutions

1 Inability to implement a feature Limit of the chosen theme Readjust the feature with the customer’s agreement

Cost overruns Poor estimate or not control of the project Ensure the control and follow-up of the. Project in terms of cost

2 Failure to meet deadlines Bad estimate or non-compliance with the schedule

Ensure the control and monitoring of the project in terms of deadline.

3 Non validation of renderings that do not correspond to the client’s needs.

Validate the development of HMI interfaces (human machine interfaces) with the customer before starting development

4 Website rejection Poor performance or unreliability

Monitor project performance and reliability at each step of the iteration

5 Bugs in the application Unit test of the module poorly carried out Emphasize the tests of each module.

If possible, break down the modules to be tested and carry out more precise tests

6 Functional problems Poor understanding of functional needs.

Discussions with the customer at each stage for the complete validation of the functionalities of each module.

Any order form or estimate will include a link leading to this page, by signing a quote or quote form thus activating the launch of the project, the customer acknowledges having taken note of our confidentiality policy and thus undertakes to respect it.

Applicable law: British law

Update date 26 May 2021

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